Daily Shaarli

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April 20, 2024

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Slide Show Chords by Travis
Yesterday Tab by The Beatles
whosampled – Crystal Castles
The Red Flag
The Town of Springfield, from the Simpsons
PSA: All Pokeball Plus features - Stroll, Controller, Pokemon Go features

I keep seeing questions about the Pokeball Plus (PBP) so here's a detailed guide of all the features. There is a button on top (B) and a button when you click down the Control Stick (A). The PBP also measures shaking as an input and has a rumble motor. There is a small reset button on the black band of the PBP, on the back, to the right of where the strap attaches. (Small black reset button just reboots the ball, data is preserved. Very handy if the PBP does not want to connect to your phone or Switch right away.)

ap lit teacher recs
Themes and Styles

What is a fugue? How do composers use rhythm and harmony? Find out more.

Wikibooks:Language Learning Difficulty for English Speakers

This world is full of thousands of languages, each unique in its own way. Wikibooks also hosts many different language learning books, albeit on a smaller scale, of course.

Becoming fluent in a language is a challenging endeavor, even if you do already display an aptitude for languages. This Wikibook aims to serve as a guide to determine the difficulty level of learning the language you have set your eyes on is.

Comment créer un thème avec du code HTML personnalisé

Vous voulez créer un design original pour votre blog ? Si vous êtes familier avec la programmation HTML, vous êtes au bon endroit. Sinon, visitez le Jardin des Thèmes et choisissez parmi des centaines de thèmes.

Old Church Slavonic Online

Old Church Slavonic is the name given to the language that is preserved in several manuscripts and a few inscriptions originating from the regions of the Moravian Empire, situated between the Vistula River and the easternmost extent of Carolingian influence, and the Bulgarian Empire, extending from the lower reaches of Macedonia in the south up beyond the Danube in the north. These are the regions of the first missionary work among the Slavs by the monks Cyril and Methodius, who devised in the 9th century AD the first full-fledged writing system to represent the indigenous language. The documents that survive are primarily ecclesiastical. They were produced in a religious tradition that used Old Church Slavonic as the liturgical medium very much the way Latin was used in the Roman Catholic Church.

SovMusic.ru - Soviet Music

I am glad to welcome you to this modest site. I have tried to assemble here a small legacy of songs left from the Soviet era. All of them were at once widely known and popular in the cities and towns of our glorious Motherland.

Some of these songs, even now, are known to practically everyone who has been born and raised in the USSR and other socialistic countries. Others, on the contrary, have been long forgotten, during the course of time.

17 images qui feront rire tous les Français et auxquelles les étrangers ne comprendront rien



En complément de notre schéma de l’extrême droite contemporaine, voici une frise chronologique centrée sur le FN, mais qui évoque la plupart des autres groupes nationalistes : cette perspective historique est nécessaire, car si la très grande majorité de ces formations est née dans les années 2000, elles sont toutes, de par l’histoire de leur formation ou celle de leurs dirigeants, ancrées dans l’histoire de l’extrême droite telle qu’elle s’est construite depuis la création du Front national.

François Hollande - Vieilles Charrues

François Hollande manifestement heureux d'être aux Vieilles Charrues.


Le nom de Carahes apparaît dans plusieurs manuscrits médiévaux comme nom d'une cité fortifiée et lieu d'un bataille renommée. Cette bataille met en valeur un héros qui, curieusement, varie selon les sources puisqu'il s'appelle parfois Charlemagne (l'Empereur), parfois Tristan et parfois Arthur.


Mémoire orale de Bretagne

Quelle personnalité a le plus de rues à son nom dans votre département ?

« Régionaux de l'étape », impact d'une œuvre artistique, trajets historiques... Les noms de rues nous en disent beaucoup sur la géographie de notre pays.

Pawl Dunbar's Cornwall

Excellent intro to Cornish history. Shot in Cornwall, Pawl Dunbar tells the story of Cornwall & her Celtic people from prehistoric times to now. Dramatic coastal scenes, moorland, ancient sites & Cornish architecture. Topics include: wreckers, smugglers, Richard Trevithick's industrial revolution powering steam engine, tin & copper mining, festivals with ancient roots, Cornwall's constitution.

Gimme Shelter: hard lives in British cities 1969-72

The housing and homelessness charity Shelter is 50 this year. Shortly after its birth, photographer Nick Hedges was dispatched to cities in England and Scotland to document the lives of families living in squalor.

The Beatles’ songs – complete A-Z list

Welcome to the Beatles Bible song list. On this page you’ll find links to articles on all the songs recorded by The Beatles during their career, from ‘Love Me Do’ to ‘Let It Be’.

Tips on Finding Collections on eBay

Recently I've gotten a few people asking me for tips on how to find and distinguish legitimate sellers on eBay. So I'm pivoting what I do and I'm going from a collector to a guide on how to determine if a listing is legit or not. It's tough, I've been burned a few times but as time goes on you know what to look for and what to avoid.

The Ultimate Household Chore List

Who doesn’t want a tidy, organised house? Household chores might feel overwhelming, but once you break the tasks down and work them into daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal lists, you’ll see how little time it actually takes to maintain a clean home.

A History of Anarcho-syndicalism

This is a collection of early university courses on remix, participatory culture, and fan studies syllabi.

Basic Gates and Functions
Transforming Data for Reuse and Re-publication with XML and XSL

This tutorial will provide you with the ability to convert or transform historical data from an XML database (whether a single file or several linked documents) into a variety of different presentations—condensed tables, exhaustive lists or paragraphed narratives—and file formats.

Guide To Drum & Percussion Notation

Notation for drums and percussion varies considerably from arranger to arranger, and from publisher to publisher. Many notators have created their own symbols in an effort to cater for the huge array of percussion instruments and techniques.

How to add Flexbox fallback to CSS Grid

I shared how to build a calendar with CSS Grid in the previous article, Today, I want to share how to build a Flexbox fallback for the same calendar.

Paris Is Still Full of Rude, Arrogant People

Here's how to avoid them and have a great time.

Young Pioneer Tours

Young Pioneer Tours specialise in taking you to North Korea and other worldwide “destinations your mother would rather you stay away from” at budget prices. We combine the best guides in the industry with expert local knowledge and contacts to ensure your adventure is an unparalleled one. Don't be a face in the crowd, be a Pioneer.

46 communes françaises au nom complètement absurde

Vous connaissez Montcuq, mais avez-vous déjà entendu parler de Glaire, Le Tampon ou Sexfontaines ?

poetry of Idris Davies

There doesn't seem to be much of Idris Davies' poetry on the internet, so I've uploaded these, some of which are in "This World of Wales - an anthology of Anglo-Welsh poetry", ed. Gerald Morgan, and others gleaned here and there.


"Le sentiment séparatiste se justifie... historiquement et psychologiquement.

On peut aller plus loin et se demander s'il est possible qu'un Breton conscient soit autre chose que séparatiste?"


Vous retrouverez sur ce blog mes articles sur l’histoire de la musique instrumentale bretonne. Ces articles ont été publiés principalement dans la revue Musique Bretonne, éditée par l’association DASTUM.

Calendrier breton des saints

Cet article contient la liste des saints du calendrier breton, selon une des sources les plus communément suivies. Il existe d'autres calendriers localement pratiqués.

Voici la colère bretonne : la grève du Joint Français - Cinémathèque de Bretagne

La grève du Joint français s'est déroulée du 13 mars au 8 mai 1972. Les ouvriers de cette usine de Saint-Brieuc, filiale de l'usine de Bézons près de Paris, revendiquent pendant 13 semaines une augmentation salariale et une égalité de traitement entre tous les salariés du groupe. La solidarité s'organise pour soutenir les grévistes, au travers d'une récolte de fonds, de spectacles... De nombreuses personnalités s'associèrent à l'époque au mouvement (Gilles Servat, Tri Yann, Claude Nougaro, etc).

An Daras

An Daras (the door / portal in Cornish) was created in 2003 as an outreach project of Lowender Peran (now Lowender) to provide information about Cornish traditional culture, the folk arts described below. Since then the project has produced a series of publications and videos and collaborated with other Cornish heritage organisations to bring Cornish traditions to life and accessible to all.

Down the tortuous track to Downing Street
Welcome to the Open Scrobbler!

This tool lets you scrobble songs and albums you heard on the radio, vinyl or at some place where you need to manually scrobble.

The Muzak Of Father Ted

I like music and I like Father Ted so here is a compilation of tunes that were featured in Father Ted, starting with a few favourites and then covering some less remembered, perhaps more enjoyable ones.

Come Together

An Instrumental Investigation of the Beatles Catalog

Mistakes in the Harry Potter books

Below is a list of mistakes that occur in the Harry Potter book series, such as factual errors, plot holes and typos. Some of these mistakes were fixed in later editions of the same book.

Course syllabus

This option will examine aspects of the theory, practice, political activism and cultural production of the so-called ‘second wave’ of feminism which began in the late 1960s in the USA. (There’s disagreement on when it ended: some historians put this as early as 1975, while others make the mid-80s their cut-off point. The term ‘third wave’ was first used in print by feminists in 1987, though its inauguration as a real political phenomenon is most often dated to the early 1990s. This course will cover 1968-c.1987.) A range of materials will be used to examine second wave feminism and interrogate today’s received wisdom—both feminist and non-feminist—about it. As well as looking at its origins, its development over time and the different political currents within it, we will ask what was distinctive about it and what it has contributed to today’s feminist thought and activism. We will also consider the strengths and limitations of the ‘wave’ model itself.

14 DAYS IN IRELAND: the ultimate Ireland road trip itinerary

Ireland’s small size means it’s super easy to see lots of the highlights in a short space of time. So if you’ve got 14 days to spend in Ireland, here is our ultimate two weeks in Ireland road trip itinerary.

Exploring Celtic Civilizations

Exploring Celtic Civilizations is an online coursebook suitable for undergraduates introducing the field of Celtic Studies: the various kinds of evidence available about Celtic-speaking communities through over two millennia and the methods available for understanding them. This digital coursebook thus presents texts as well as other sorts of evidence, such as aspects of material culture (e.g., archaeological artifacts), through online exhibits and data visualizations using the Prospect data collaboratory.


TWO THIRDS of the Welsh population will have Internet access by the year 2020, according to a progress report issued today.

Welsh Couple Jailed

A MARRIED couple have appeared in court in North Wales charged with assisting tourists. Hywell Gwent and his wife Blethyn were alleged to have given correct directions to two holidaying English families in a people carrier.

Obert, Nebraska
Welcome to Red Poets.org

In the past, the Red Poets have performed at many benefits and we always give our services for free. Some of the many causes we have supported are anti-opencast groups, trade union fund-raising, the Cymru-Cuba society and CND. We would be delighted to read our brand of entertaining,topical and often humorous verse at any events organised across the country.

Son ha Ton

Chansons traditionnelles bretonnes

L’Encyclopédie/1re édition/CARHAIX

CARHAIX, (Géog.) petite ville de France, en basse Bretagne, fameuse par la bonté des perdrix qui s’y trouvent.

Cornish Humour
5 Days in Cornwall

Yep, I could definitely suggest a lot. Whether you'd have enough time to see it all is another matter though... I'll try to list everything that's near each of the spots you want to visit, and will try to keep it dog-friendly. Also I'll list a few good walking spots, since that's always in demand when you have a dog.

100 ans de musique Bretonne
Je pars de CARHAIX



La fête organisée par le P.C.F., à Pont-L'abbé, le 7 août 1938. Après une rapide évocation de la préhistoire et de l'histoire de la Bretagne illustrée d'images de menhirs et de dolmens, d'églises et de paysages bretons, Marcel Cachin, en voix off, commente la préparation et le déroulement de la fête du parti communiste dans la capitale du pays bigouden : passage d'une camionnette de l'Humanité sur le port de Lesconil, manifestation et défilé folklorique dans les rues de Pont-l'abbé, démonstration de danses et de chants et, in fine, allocutions politiques.

Après la brève intervention du secrétaire de la région Bretagne du parti communiste (Alain Signor), Marcel Cachin, président des Bretons émancipés, appelle au renforcement des acquis du Front populaire et conclut par une défense de la culture et de la langue bretonne.
Breiz Nevez illustre avec force les solides implantations - très localisées - du parti communiste en Bretagne, ainsi que sa politique culturelle sous le Front populaire, politique syncrétique, à la fois régionale et nationale.
Les plans sur la camionnette de l'Humanité furent interdits par la censure.