Daily Shaarli

All links of one day in a single page.

May 5, 2024

Spin Again - iphianassa

After the end. In order to leave NOWHERE, Polly has find a way to return to NOW-HERE

monsters, people - Phlyarologist

On being two things at once.

castaways of a lonely day - Quicksilver_ink

A king and a thief reunite after the end of the world.

Flourish - pikestaff

Professor Oak and Bulbasaur are still together, and so long as that's true, they can't be too lonely.

The art of finding happiness - chacusha

"Vargas? Why did you tell me you killed Duncan?"

Sabin finds Vargas in the World of Ruin and they talk about what happened between them and Duncan.

Restoration - water_bby

“When I was thirteen, I turned for the first time.”

The king and his good friend talk about a long-hidden secret.

Brave Enough For Two - aroberuka

Grandpa said Mog was made to protect her, but Mog is so little and meek.

2022 note cute pre-canon Eiko & Mog

Growth - Kalloway

Tending her garden.

2022 note lovely vivid scene of Aerith growing her flowers

Atop Mount Gagazet - laughingpineapple

The mountain is dreaming a dream you cannot concern yourself with, summoner. Do not think about this. Zanarkand beckons.

2023 note really cool and fittingly creepy-colourful-tragic

Alternative link: https://laughingpinecone.tumblr.com/post/716130261030567936/the-mountain-is-dreaming-a-dream-you-cannot

Vector State University - misstaken

Vector State University is a medium-sized publically funded university in the Midwestern United States. It is well-known for its school of education, robust engineering program and its modern campus close to a major city.

This is where our story takes place.

The General and the King - wllw

Over the course of their adventures, Edgar and Celes open up to each other. As much as either of them is able to.

heartfelt and freaky alien commitment rituals - suitablyskippy

“Wow,” said the information desk attendant, sincerely. “Wow, yeah, that was so completely inspirational and cool, like, seriously. I can’t even explain how much I enjoyed the experience of listening to you share your feelings while I looked up the appropriate party events timetable to meet your needs and suit your desires, like, wow. Would you like the schedule formatted for neural net download or upload to your techno-reader?”

“Could you just print it?” asked Arthur.

(The highest and most mysterious level of Kathtyx 21-C's legendary hierarchical party culture is only for lifeforms who can prove the extraordinary length and strength of their relationship. For the sake of a party, Ford and Arthur are ready to fake it till they make it.)

For Blunders Made in Yesteryears - Dragonbat

Jacob Marley didn't realize the path his deeds were leading him on until his doom was upon him. Now, he sees an opportunity to spare another his fate.

2021 note A clever and charmingly written reflection on Marley’s repentance after his own death.

Santy Claus is Comin' to Craggy Island - TwoWeevils

2021 note A cute story where Dougal gets the Christmas surprise he wants.

What's Next? - apacketofseeds

At times like these, all you can do is laugh. Or slump beside a drunken Greek and eat manhandled trifle from your lap with a spoon.


Or: what follows the closing credits of every episode.

2021 note Brilliant drabble series exploring what happens after each episode.

Sixth Form at St. Clare's - NaomiK

It's everyone's final year at St. Clare's, and two (foreign and somewhat mysterious) new girls have joined the form. Mysteries will be unraveled and secrets revealed -- hopefully in time for a midnight feast.

2021 note A slightly darker look at canon that does a fantastic job of slotting it into the wider context while maintaining Blyton’s tone.

love, in the face of transience - violia

Eddy was sitting on the couch again.

2021 note Sweet emotional h/c fic.

I was never that kind - aphrodite_mine

TFW you fall in love with literally the first human who smiles at you

2022 note a description of love from an alien POV; really striking and original language.

Worse than Anything - Phlyarologist

Ermenwyr and his demons depend on each other. He knows this now, because he lost one.

2022 note fantasy setting, slightly pathetic nobleman experiencing a lot of physical and emotional pain, tbh I’d be all over this even if it wasn’t brilliantly written.

Mother's Old Business - friendoftheJabberwock

Nourah and Catherine live almost three thousand years apart—but they have a shared history and questions about all the missing pieces in it.

2022 note SF, parallel historical/modern narratives. A really intriguing premise and I’m particularly gripped by the modern character’s experiences as she tries to cope with her unusual powers.

sleeping with the enemy - fluffywambler

Ashe has become accustomed to sharing sleeping quarters with the rest of the Resistance. She is not accustomed to those roommates including her father's murderer.

let the yoke fall from our shoulders - shutterbird

Left to rebuild in Burmecia, Gaia's last remaining knight-errant struggles to pick up the pieces. Freya Crescent has one quest left and it might just be the end of her.

Or it would, if she were alone.

2022 note I was honoured with [this] fantastic piece … an absolute delight.

Penitent - frozenfountain

The world sees a monster, dragged from the depths chained and screaming, a warning to all who would stand in her master's way. Once, a man found her and saw instead hope for a united future, and a son looked upon her as the font of all goodness in his cloistered world. Yet none of this is the truth of her, not in entirety. If you listen in a long-forgotten temple, she will tell it herself, as much as she can remember.

2022 note #jyscal

Wavering - terrabunny

“Terence, perhaps this is selfish of me,” Dion says. His cheeks flush deeper now, his smile replaced with an anxious uncertainty.

“You are a great many things, Dion,” Terence says carefully, “but I have never known you to be selfish.” Terence feels his own face burning with the depth of Dion’s attention, but he sees that the prince is working up to something important, and would not rush him.

Terence and Dion are drinking wine pilfered from Whitewyrm Palace's cellars. Perhaps it's easier to talk about their feelings this way, and to act on them. But perhaps it's easier to make mistakes, as well.

2023 note #they have sex

Tomorrow's Tears - lavendre

Dion is a quiet and thoughtful companion. It’s what makes this conversation pour from Clive's mouth uninvited.

2023 note he’s just a sad little guy

tyger tyger, burning bright - thefudge

“If you want comfort, come to me first,” he says, words spilling softly against her temples. “That’s what family is for.”
(Tigris and Coriolanus in the aftermath)

Q. Benson - The Second Reformation

A page for the game The Second Reformation by Q. Benson.

Studious Antiquated Lore - FireEye

Locke and Edgar and the painful first few stumbles of a quest in Figaro's library.

The Way It Will Be - Lirillith

Maybe fate made them train together, but the friendship, the rivalry, and the fall were all choices they made along the way.

The Ballad of Mary Bennet - Ultra

Mary Bennet - the sister left behind.

Into Anger - Katherine

Yellowfang channeled grief into anger.

Gunmetal - pirotess
Fall and the Earth Will Catch You - FireEye

Not Quite a Dragoon Kain, Not Yet A Dark Knight Cecil, and White Mage Aspirant Rosa go adventuring - of a sort - in the town of Baron.

Royalty of Nature - Verecunda

Macbeth had always seemed marked out for greatness. Indeed, that was why Banquo loved him. But with the fruition of the Weird Sisters’ prophecy, he now finds his heart divided — and the seat of terrible suspicions.

Swagger - Phlyarologist

Fran is hard to fool.

2022 note excellent Balthier & Fran banter

In the Ruins - classysleuth

After an unexpected interruption, Sephiroth gains a new training partner.

2023 note a cute little developing-friendship scene

quiet resolve - jonphaedrus

“Thank you.” When Ashe at last spoke, it was quiet, flustered, an edge of embarrassment to her tone. “I... am not so used to this.”

Basch huffed a laugh. “It’s been a rough few years.”

All Hope of Repair - Phlyarologist

Still reeling from Rachel's death, Locke throws himself into fighting the Empire, letting the Returners give him purpose.

And they tell him to cozy up to this fucking guy.

Dissolution - seventhe

The death of a king, the future of a country, and the bond between two brothers: the story of how Edgar let Sabin go.

[Further warnings/labels:
Incest (twincest). Questionable consent (dubcon). Explicit sexual activity (cocks). Underage participants in said explicit sexual activity (the twins are 17). Badtouch. This story rolled in a pile of wrong.]

Clean - SleepsWithCoyotes

He's been spending way too much time thinking about Auron's face.

Leisure - Final Fantasy VI Fanfiction - Caves of Narshe

An enjoyable, light-hearted piece from Bezdomny telling a tale of a titanic clash BEFORE fighting Kefka... A card game.

Everything Looks Better - Clunkety

Twelve years after Yuna calls the Final Aeon, Auron begins a new pilgrimage. Rated E for future chapters.

The Prince and the Pickpocket

All things considered, it was a fairly nice jail.

Aragorn/Boromir Fanart - Leonor (DachOsmin)
Once upon a moonless night - Quillori

Bisclavret recollects the path that led him here.

2021 note A lovely reflection on what it means to be a werewolf and to shift from one form to another.

changing partners - wavytossings

After being assigned as Harriet's mentor at their Massachusetts women's college, Emma does all in her power to ensure Harriet's happiness. Why matchmaking for her might compromise Emma's own satisfaction, Emma has yet to determine.

2021 note The 60s college AU you never knew you needed.

Heart Is Healing (Running From It All) - TheWrongKindOfPC

“You’re good at this,” he tells her. “Do you work on commission?”

At first he thinks the joke doesn’t land, but when he glances up again to meet her eyes in the mirror, she’s grinning. Just quiet, then. That’s alright. Peter can work with that. Peter’s favorite person in Wellington these days is quiet, too.

Thinking about Balthazar isn’t safe, though.

Peter and Balthazar before and after the events of LLL, and the long processes of learning a little self-reflection and communication.

2021 note Lovely exploration of how Peter and Balthazar’s relationship develops over the course of the series.

Legacies - Northland

When Sabriel thought of the huge scope of the task she and Touchstone were faced with—nothing less than restoring a half-way functional society to a country mired in chaos—it was terrifying. So she tried not to think of it that way, but to focus on a single step at a time.

Sabriel and Touchstone take a moment to discuss the future, both general and personal.

Success Unexpected in Common Hours - tigerlady (shetiger)

A year into their voyage into the depths of space, Jake had started to find his place among the young crew that had rescued him. It boggled his mind that after everything that had happened in his life—fighting tooth and nail to earn his commission, losing his ship to mutiny, then struggling to survive for six years on a desolate space station—somehow he'd come out the other end to find the best friend he'd ever had.

Best friend, and maybe more than that.

Before he could figure out exactly who Jonathan was to him, the universe seemed determine to throw a wrench into the works. Jake wasn't the kind to bow to the universe's whims, though, and he sure as hell wasn't about to let Jonathan die in an attempt to save everyone else.

2022 recs I didn’t expect to enjoy this so much but I got really invested in the story of these two sad men in space. So well-paced and believable, and a lot of excellent Feelings.

Burning Bright - runicmagitek

“Is something the matter?”

“W-what? Oh... no, I’m okay.”

“Please, if something troubles you, you may confide in me. I’ll do whatever is necessary to put your mind at ease.”

Vivi wins the Festival of the Hunt and asks Steiner for a favor before returning to the castle.

The Architects of Fear - alto_clef_cryptid

or; lofi beats to listen to while fighting scarecrows and succumbing to political propanda

And Still The Sun Will Rise - ThatWindingPath

After everything is said and done, Dion is left to pick up the pieces.

2023 note #dion gets whumped

the endless march - altamira (yujael)

Moments of contemplation on the endless march towards death.

2023 note #DION IS BRASKA

Checkmate - TinyLlama

Terence knows himself. He knows his love to be fierce but quiet. He knows his devotion to be tireless and absolute. But most of all, he knows he wants to give Dion the world.

But amidst duties and war, sometimes giving Dion the world simply means playing his games. Games which prey on Terence’s own desires as much as they satiate Dion’s.

Or. Terence eagerly continues their game from last time (at Dion's request)

2023 note #they have sex

It hurts, always - terrabunny

The days following Terence’s encounter with Dion pass slowly. Painfully. In some ways, nothing changes. His days follow the same routines as they have for several years. In other ways, everything is different now.

Terence can only interpret Dion’s avoidance of the subject of what transpired between them as regret. They continue to spend time together outside of duty, but there is a new distance between them. Neither of them know how to talk about this thing hanging between them, nor do they know how to talk about anything else.

Terence learns to live with his heartbreak as days turn into weeks, and weeks into months. When the Dragoons are deployed to deal with a Royalist incursion, Dion is called upon to field Bahamut in battle for the first time. In the aftermath, the Knight and his Prince find solace in each other once more.

2023 note #they have sex, #The Curse, #mutual whumping

Cream and Bastards - karanguni

'Do you ever think of back doors?' Reeve asks Tseng.

In Vino Veritas - Quicksilver_ink

Locke, Edgar, a bottle of wine, and truths.

Now That The War Is Over - youjik33

With the war seemingly over, Banon and Arvis aren't sure what to do with the rest of their lives.

Vigil - Katherine

Sitting vigil, Bluestar mourned for Redtail.

To Disappear What Troubles You - LupineCrown (Wolf_of_Lilacs)

“You could be trying to poison me,” Bluestar rasped.

“I’d probably use deathberries for that, believe you me.”

Takes place at the end of Forest of Secrets.

Cycles - LaurentheFlute

It hurt him, sometimes, to watch the two of them in their halting courtship dance. He could see so much of their fathers in them.

A little internal sketch: Auron reflecting on the two men he has lost, and their children he has sworn to protect.

Pinfeathers - Phlyarologist

Steiner does some reading on chocobo development.

2022 note bittersweet Steiner & Bobby Corwen

Come to Bed - Kalloway

Little skills.

Situational - libraralien

“You don’t get it. Everything’s changed. Before it was only glamorous porn stars, desperate Eastern Europeans, and German perverts making porn. But now anyone can.”

2024 note: canon-typically sublime banter/neuroticism.

Blind Man's Shield - Nixxi

“Stop,” Ignis snapped. “Stop touching me.”

Gladio huffed, but his hand moved away. “I was just trying to help.”

In the weeks after Altissia, Gladio’s constant presence is more than Ignis can take.

Become Impossible - very

Sabin is adrift, and his brother longs to anchor him.

Grounded - Phlyarologist

The Blackjack has crashed, the survivors thrown on their own resources in a ruined world. Locke thinks he's the only one.

2022 note in my main fandom of the time, and by someone who had written one of my favourite fics in the fandom. Really felt like I won yuletide that year.


Relm and Interceptor go on a coming of age journey across a post Kefka world. Winner of the 2006 IcyBrian All That Glitters competition, I'm ... very surprised to say. Complete.

Defender of the Faith - owlmoose

Instead of confronting Yunalesca after Lord Braska defeated Sin, Auron returned home to Bevelle and to Yevon. His rise to Maester and what followed.

Sex and Dying in High Society - fluorescentgrey

London, 1980. It's not yesterday anymore, or: a retrospective as told through '77 punk.

Final Fantasy X (histoire) - Mijak

L'histoire écrite le plus fidèlement possible, avec dialogues et narration partiellement interne par le héros (introspection).
Le récit est destiné aux ex-joueurs qui ont envie de replonger, ou à ceux qui sont curieux de connaître l'histoire de FFX sans pouvoir ou vouloir y jouer.
Précisions sur la narration : les combats aléatoires ne sont bien évidemment pas mentionnés. Les boss et quêtes annexe ne seront pas développés dans la mesure où ils n'interviennent pas dans le scénario principal, sauf si nécessaire pour l'explication de détails.
(fait entre 2008 et 2011)
PS : Ce projet a été abandonné en 2011, et ne se poursuivra (probablement) pas. Je mets tout de même son contenu, qui s'arrête au comptoir Al Bhed de Mi-hien.

Damp Dames Distributing Daggers - Blurble

“It is your destiny, which cannot be escaped,” the lady intoned.
“Watch me,” Dennis said, and escaped.

2021 note In which Dennis manages to stick to his anarchist principles despite his destiny.

We Fit Together - robotsdance

Z is no stranger to the enjoyable sensations of tetriminos touching beyond the scope of their work, but they are absolutely certain that the ‘becoming one’ nonsense is just a myth.

That doesn't mean they aren't curious though.

2021 note Tetris blocks have an Experience and it’s hot.

In Which Piglet Has a Question, and Looks For Answers - GrayGriffin

Piglet has a question for Eeyore: How did he know when his birthday was?

While almost everyone has something to say, very few people have a good answer.

2021 note Cute story with a lovely wholesome conclusion.

The face of his hours reflected - theseatheseatheopensea

Sir Thomas Baines, his heart laid bare.

2022 note intense seventeenth-century feelings.

Ambrotype - cadmean

The ambrotype (from Ancient Greek: ἀμβροτός — “immortal”, and τύπος — “impression”) also known as a collodion positive in the UK, is a positive photograph on glass made by a variant of the wet plate collodion process. Like a print on paper, it is viewed by reflected light.

Soraya Mousch, Max Holborn, and their final joint project.

2022 note horror, modern setting. I love how the style of this one incorporates direct addresses to the reader – it just makes it stand out.

Diplomacy, Mr Mozart - alltheviolets

On an otherwise all-too-ordinary day in 1814, Mr Mozart receives both an unusual letter from Vienna and a commission of sorts from Whitehall that thrusts him into a world of intrigue, espionage, murder, and delicate international negotiations. Somewhat relatedly, there’s a rather important diplomatic congress unfurling…

2022 note casefic starring alternate-universe Mozart. Really enjoyable tone, full of brilliant references and I always love it when an author has done huge amounts of research (and even includes a list of works cited! 😍). I’ll have to go back and reread this one when I haven’t just been trying to get through an entire fest collection in one morning, because there are so many little features I want to be able to fully appreciate.

Moving Onward - cloudwatch

His touch is tender, as if he fears Dion would break if he held him as he normally did. Terence is leaning on his elbow, that same hand pressed to the top of his head, leaving his other hand to grip his waist. The kiss Dion receives is gentle and over too quickly, with Terence pressing their foreheads together.

"Dion," he says. "I was so scared I'd never see you again."

After the final battle, Dion wakes up.

2023 note “It truly is him, his lovely Terence.” #in my dion/terence phase

be released - lavendre

There are gifts she has been given in life and when she looks at her oldest warden and his most loyal vassal there are gifts still flowing freely; no one had to love her. They made a choice to offer a young girl a place in the circle of their lives, just like they had chosen each other again and again.

--And so no matter the agony, the story unfolds and Kihel cannot bring herself to regret a minute of it despite the flood of tears when the chapter closes.

2023 note #they grow old together and die

2023 note I’m not usually a fan of the “Dion and Terence adopt Kihel” take, although [this fic] kind of changed my mind on that? It’s gorgeous, anyway.

Alternative link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49504939

Why Jessie Joined AVALANCHE - purglepurglepurgle

Set pre-OG. Jessie's excited to start her new coding job at Shinra Inc. But it's not what she expects...

Somewhat AU given it's pretty unlikely Gaia would develop all the same tools with the same names independently.

Note: This is somewhat technical, though not suuuper in-depth. Think 'I know what a version control system is' level. Feel free to read otherwise, just warning you that it might be a wall of jargon. I can't really tell.

2024 note Command line bants