403 private links
Hello! My name is Alis and I like books and monsters and books about monsters. Sometimes I even write them.
What is this place?
It's intended as my janky personal website; then life happened, so it's just kind of been sitting unused for like a year. One of these days, I tell ya...
I am weak. I write badly. I may die tonight.
Syldra.net is owned by two people, and space has been offered to friends of those people. All content in each individual webpage, including ideas, creative works, or discourse, are the opinions of those friends and do not reflect the ideas, creative works, or discourse of Syldra.net's owners. Any concerns should be sent to the offending party first.
a chaos heathen's packrat hoard
This is a work in progress! Links may be broken as the archive is still being set up.
A cosy little shipping corner!
Hello!! This is Marine's personal site for talking meta,archiving liveblogs, and whatever other fannish things he decides to include.
Hi welcome, this is my website which is now an Obsidian vault because I do not have the time or energy for anything more. In the past I greatly enjoyed hand-writing HTML, but right now I’d rather focus on actually making stuff.
ou can call me Tilly, or Ghoulmouse, or any combination thereof. I'm a zombie girl (don't worry, I'm domesticated) who used to run a bunch of early 2000s sites. Now, I'm back here again, because I wanted my own place on the web.
This site is a collection of my creative work, plus anything else fun I feel like sharing.
bloodwrites' personal website, fic, fandom and old web interests
Welcome ...to my repository of writing! On this site, you'll find a collection of stories I've written, both fanfiction and original, including stories that are no longer available elsewhere. While most of my stories are safe-for-work (if not necessarily family-friendly), please be advised that there are some stories that contain explicit adult content. These are clearly marked, and require acknowledgement and consent to view. Please abide accordingly based on your age and preferences.
Amy is a writer, designer, photographer and artist... an IT architect, computer programmer and business analyst... a sometimes unconventional and independent, gender-gifted woman
welcome to my neocities site! don't mind the obnoxious sparkly gifs, i just like intentionally shitty web design. if you find any particularly weird or fun old gifs, please send them to me so i can put them in my collection. >:3c