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Happy Birthday Cyan
two of them
Aerith as Terra is good but consider
Olympics Time
"Mobliz" - Final Fantasy 6
Lethe River in Final Fantasy 6
A lot of Final Fantasy, but also Sonic, Pokémon, and others.
It’s the sight of Terra that convinces Celes to leave.
Setzer dreams of flying.
Edgar’s brother has returned; Locke can’t help but distrust him.
Snow is a fact of life in Narshe; not so in Mobliz.
Terra doesn’t remember Celes, but Celes has enough memories for both of them.
He was just doing it for the money; until he wasn’t.
Relm’s hair is different, but Celes tries her best.
There are practical and less practical reasons for buying new clothes.
Equipping for battle at Figaro Castle is always an adventure.
Away from the Empire, there’s a better life to live.
Now that it’s just the two of them, Celes begins to pay attention to Sabin, and to how he and she can support each other.
One relationship cannot be salvaged; another must persist.