403 private links
For the Kiss Battle Prompt: SCENE: A beach. Jecht definitely did not steal Braska's robes. This time.
Alternative link: https://ff-exchange.dreamwidth.org/60066.html?thread=833954#cmt833954
Auron hates Jecht.
Braska, Jecht and Auron bond over ruined laundry.
Auron's thoughts as he hovers between life and death right after Braska's defeat of Sin.
Braska lies awake and wonders.
Alternative link: https://shoujo-s.livejournal.com/75652.html
Tattoos, Braska can has.
Pilgrims on the High Road, and Jecht, being good at everything.
Alternative link: https://ladyfarrell.livejournal.com/1487.html?thread=40143#t40143
In the heart of the Calm Lands, Braska listens.
Alternative link: https://shoujo-s.livejournal.com/76309.html
Don't braid your bro's hair. Or do.
Jecht had never been as scared in his life as he was the first time he fought a fiend.
Everybody has a weakness.
Jecht and Auron discuss their parts of Braska's pilgrimage and come to a mutual understanding.
The Final Aeon is a distracting presence.
On the way to the last battle.
Alternative link: https://edenbound.livejournal.com/492375.html
Braska carries the chill in his heart and asks his guardians to help keep it at bay, if only in a small way.
Breathing is the last thing you let go of.
Alternative link: https://over-look.livejournal.com/52599.html
Don't go to bed angry and don't die with a weight on your heart.
Alternative link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3881635/1/And-Some-May-Find-Peace