360 private links
The Blackjack has crashed, the survivors thrown on their own resources in a ruined world. Locke thinks he's the only one.
2022 note
in my main fandom of the time, and by someone who had written one of my favourite fics in the fandom. Really felt like I won yuletide that year.
Relm and Interceptor go on a coming of age journey across a post Kefka world. Winner of the 2006 IcyBrian All That Glitters competition, I'm ... very surprised to say. Complete.
An enjoyable, light-hearted piece from Bezdomny telling a tale of a titanic clash BEFORE fighting Kefka... A card game.
All things considered, it was a fairly nice jail.
or; lofi beats to listen to while fighting scarecrows and succumbing to political propanda
is a fan blog of FINALFANTASY6
What is this place?
It's intended as my janky personal website; then life happened, so it's just kind of been sitting unused for like a year. One of these days, I tell ya...
Hi welcome, this is my website which is now an Obsidian vault because I do not have the time or energy for anything more. In the past I greatly enjoyed hand-writing HTML, but right now I’d rather focus on actually making stuff.
OC ReMix presents a FREE video game remix MP3: Final Fantasy VI "Bad Octopus" by Fishy,XPRTNovice
OC ReMix presents a FREE video game remix MP3: Final Fantasy VI "Dirt Devil" by zircon
FF6 randomizer
Art from the Japan book by 天野 喜孝.