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Terra doesn’t remember Celes, but Celes has enough memories for both of them.
Braska agonises over how to tell Yuna he is taking the pilgrimage – but it turns out that she understands his vocation.
He was just doing it for the money; until he wasn’t.
The Al Bhed can’t own property, but there are ways of getting around it.
Relm’s hair is different, but Celes tries her best.
It made sense for Yuna to be the one who went her own way.
The journey north across the Moonflow is quiet.
Staying in the office late allows Reeve to work on what matters.
As the pilgrimage goes on, the tea leaves show a clearer message.
There are practical and less practical reasons for buying new clothes.
Auron ought to be able to let Braska go.
Might as well give the poor creature another chance at life – as long as nobody’s looking.
Equipping for battle at Figaro Castle is always an adventure.
Lulu gains new powers on the road.
Braska decides to turn back.
Héloïse has more than one secret.
Auron can allow himself to be gentle when he’s sure Jecht won’t remember it the next morning.
Away from the Empire, there’s a better life to live.
Garnet’s reactions change.
There’s a lot of red tape to get through.